
Wed, Jan. 29, 2025

Dear interested parties of the Technical Forum!

Please see the list below for the presentation topics submitted for the 21st Technical Forum. One thing is certain: You will be the first to hear about the latest innovations at the World Money Fair! #theplacetobe

Exhibitors book their Technical Forum tickets at the Wolrd Money Fair special conditions in the Online Order System. Online Order System

Non-Exhibitors / External Participants of the Technical Forum can access the ticket store via the link provided here. Ticketshop Technical Forum

Topic Time Company Speaker Title
Welcome and opening remarks 13:30 Goetz-Ulf Jungmichel, Dieter Merkle, Thomas Hogenkamp
AI – Coin Design 13:45 CarveCo Robert Newman Digital Sculptors: How AI is Redefining Coin Design
Tooling Laser 14:00 GF Machining Solutions Manuel Gomez Marzoa Boosting creativity and design innovation with 5-axis laser machining strategies
PVD Coating 14:15 Staatliche Münzen Baden-Württemberg Lutz Wild The transition from galvanic hard chrome to PVD coating: a complex story
PVD Coating 14:30 Inorcoat Mint of Poland Romain Waidelich Lukasz Karda PVD Coating for Coins and Dies: Introducing the All-New MS 700 Dual Chamber
14:45 Time for Q&A
Break 15:00 Break
Refining / Casting 15:30 IKOI SPA Enrico Cappellini Optimizing refining processes
Refining / Casting 15:45 Tera Automation Julian Verdi Silvia Agostini Industry 5.0 applied to new machinery for gold and silver ingots production
Rolling 16:00 Redex Group Mathew Oliver Gregory Redex Smart Machine Pack: A digital solution infrastructure for rolling mills
Annealing 16:15 WMU - Wärmebehandlungsanlagen für Industrie und Umwelttechnik GmbH Dr. -Ing. Kai Uwe Paffrath Digital Gas-Panel – Innovation for the adjusting of the protective atmosphere in WMU furnaces
Annealing 16:30 TAV Vacuum Furnaces Giorgio Valsecchi Crafting Currency: The Role of Vacuum Furnaces in Modern Coin Die Heat Treatment
16:45 Time for Q&A
Break 17:00 Break
Packaging (Circulation Coins) 17:30 Soldati AG Oliver Heinrich Packaging machine
Commemorative Coin Production 17:45 Kazakhstan Mint Medet Yezhembayev Ultra-high relief coin manufacturing technology: innovations and challenges
Commemorative Coin Production 18:00 Monnaie de Paris Pascal Rencker Innovative First Connected Coin - the bridge between physical and digital world
Commemorative Coin Production 18:15 Royal Canadian Mint Dr. Xianyao Li Pushing Boundaries: Crafting the Largest Ever Silver Maple Leaf
18:30 Time for Q&A
Conclusion of the 21st Technical Forum 18:45 Dieter Merkle
19:00 – 22:30 Get-Together with Drinks and Snacks in the “Technical” Exhibition Area for registered delegates of the Technical Forum in Convention Hall II sponsored by Spaleck and Schuler Pressen

Our Speakers

Click on one of the speaker images below the video to start the corresponding company teaser video.

Our presenters

Thomas Hogenkamp

Spaleck Oberflächentechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Sales Director

Thomas Hogenkamp started his employment at Spaleck Oberflächentechnik in 1984 as Head of the Technical Demonstration and Development Center. Since 1990 he has been involved in subjects to surface finishing aspects within the Mint Industry. Acting as the Sales Director for Spaleck since 2000, he and his colleague Ingo Löken are responsible for developing the business relation worldwide.

Dieter Merkle

Schuler Pressen GmbH
Director Global Minting

Dieter Merkle has been working with Schuler Presses since 1975. Today Dieter Merkle is the Director Global Minting of the Schuler Group. Besides, he has been in the board of Schuler India since 2004 and again Chairman since January 2020. Dieter Merkle has been active member of the Mint Directors Conference (MDC) Technical Committee and has also been entrusted with the organization and moderation of the Technical Forum of the World Money Fair since 2004. The MDC Member Mints started in May 2016 a Customer Task Force which is headed by Dieter Merkle to create awareness in the industry and connect to the customer base. Starting 2017, Dieter Merkle is representing the Schuler Group within the International Currency Association, since May 2017 as a board member.