
The Goldvreneli

Switzerland’s best-known and at the same time least-known coin

This much can be revealed:

It is considered the largest and most beautiful gold coin of the Swiss Confederation and is the enlarged image of the 10-franc Goldvreneli. This gold coin was not intended as a means of payment but was presented as a special minting by the Swiss Confederation as an honorary gift and diplomatic present. Of the 5,000 coins originally minted, around 1,250 were melted down again. Today, well-preserved coins fetch between CHF 10,000 and 20,000 at auction.



Das Goldvreneli aus dem Jahre 1925



In 2025, there will be an anniversary coin of the 100-franc Goldvreneli. How the coin will look like and when it will be on sale, Swissmint will be presenting exclusively at the World Money Fair.